I'm excited to share with you something I'm so very proud of. It seems so long ago now that I sent off an email with crossed fingers to Amanda Gilligan and Susannah Conway about writing a how-to guide on shooting Polaroid cameras. What evolved over the following months was not only a wonderful friendship, but a book we are so happy to share with you today. Shooting old Polaroid cameras is a passion of ours and we are thankful to Chronicle Books for publishing our book, our editor Bridget Waston-Payne for believing in what we felt we needed to share and to TIP for keeping the magic alive. And I'm also so grateful for the friendship of Ryan Marshall who put together this beautiful book trailer for us - set to the music of Rabbit! who happen to write a song that was so poetically perfect for our book, I like to think it was predestined (you can buy the song on iTunes!)
A HUGE thank you to everyone who’s already bought or ordered a copy – we are already in our second printing, which is pretty phenomenal for a how-to book that was just released.
And the fantastic site MomFilter was sweet enough to ask me about the book and my life with my girls - you can read the interview here.
See you soon...