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Torrie @ a place to share...

Welcome back, and thank you for the links.
Lots to enjoy while I'm sippin' on my coffee:).

Enjoy your "breathing time."


miss you. I think the "secret of the kells" looks to be something we will enjoy in the near future. I always love your links.


thank you torrie!

miss you too lady - we need to find some time this early spring... xoox


I'm loving the new Portra too! It's amazing for low-light stuff when you push it a stop or too...no grain increase, vibrant colors. It is definitely the most versatile color film I've ever used!


I bought the movie based on your recommendation and am excited to watch!

Did the calendars ever return to the shop? I wasn't near a computer over the holidays but hoped they'd be back in the early new year. Of course it's now almost February that I decide to ask!


bronwyn - you will love it - the girls and i just watched it again this morning...

i have a few calendars left - if you send me an email we can sort it out... [email protected]


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