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Toast 2 Mom

OH MAN, My mouth is watering!!
Quiche, yes please! :)

angie rex

what a beautiful quiche... your pate brisee looks divine just the right amount of flaky goodness! Mine always turn out sort of on the mushier side. Sigh.

On a slightly unrelated note... Please be careful with your consumption of soy based products, there have been lots of new studies that are showing the plant estrogen naturally found in soy can be damaging in the long term, especially in developing bodies. A lot of health food stores are actually starting to stock soy-free vegetarian products because of this.
Several years ago I was put on a medication that put my body into a chemically induced state of menopause (lupron) for my endometriosis. My doctor explicitly told me to stay away from all soy foods as much as possible in order to not re-introduce estrogen into my body. She was concerned because at the time I was a very die hard 14 year veteran of vegetarianism.
There are however some really fantastic vegetarian cookbooks out there that do a great job of creating very well balanced nutritional meals. Vegetarian Planet by Didi Edmonds is my favorite. I have actually had to replace my copy because I wore it out!

gonna go and try your quiche recipe now... it looks incredible!


what a lovely blog!

Jessie Cacciola

this looks incredibly good! thank you. xo

Mandy Saile

Yummmmmy:D....I think I'd like to come eat at your house most definately:D It's so cool also, how you can cook beautifully and then take the most perfect photos to showcase your food. One talent using another, it's just excellent. Keep it up and glad to hear you've finally settled in. Wishing you well. Mandy


What do you suggest instead of asparagus? That is the veggie, my huband told me that he would NEVER eat, when we first got married. .........and he never has.......

I usually use broccoli in my quiches.


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