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cindy k

i'm really looking forward to this book (hope i can get one). i love the small format as i think i'll be taking it with me for on the spot inspiration often.





Jen b

hooray hooray! i can't wait to see this beautiful book.

Mat Denney

well done for getting the book done in record time - can't wait to see it :D

...and that back cover image is evidence that all polarographers are beautiful!!!

xxx mat


Congratulations on your book! That's wonderful. The book and website look absolutely stunning!


This book looks like it will be amazing...I just ordered mine.


ooo, wonderful. well done you! can't wait to get my hands on a copy. love the concept of light as your subject and the nostalgia of the polaroid...simply perfect.


Ooooo! This book looks great! I can't wait to see it!

amy williams

Just ordered mine after discovering your amazing work.
It looks beautiful and I can not wait to get it!

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