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I really understand, and keep trying to remind myself that I will always hhave the memories, and that the stuff can actually clutter my mind.

My stuff being all the baby stuff we have held on too, after many miscarriages-one a few weeks ago we decided to celebrate one and stop spending time chasing for another. I just listed a lot of it for sale. The other is my mothers things. She died 6 years ago. I held on to her things very tightly as they represented a phuysical manifestation of her. Now that the grief has eased and the memories have gotten stronger through repitition and reflection, I am feeling a release of many of her things that just don't speak to me.

Sorry this has been so much about me. I was so touched by the delicacy of this image and the way you shared. I guess it got some of my own thoughts flowing.

Hope the storing decisions lay themselves before you.


I just wanted to say a big thanks for letting us be with you along this journey. You are inspiring my family to revisit some ideas long overlooked.

joetta maue

The milk glass are quite lovely things...(i use to have a collection myself)
But I am sure they will be just as lovely when you rediscover them if you choose to leave them here... That may be part of the fun...rediscovering many things you love in the future.


Collections and things, I love them also. And your milk glass collection is a beauty... such treasure.
Best of luck with it all... the moving, the sorting, the shuffling and the reflecting.

jenny v.

jen - if i can give some advice.... leave it behind! for me, i packed so sparsely, but still ended up bringing some things with us to south america that i could've left behind (we didn't know how long we would be gone either) becase there was this desire to have pieces of home with me. the best things seem to be photos and pictures that you be packed flat, but taken out theyfelt so large in our new places...

leave it behind too... because you'll find so many new things in rome that you might want space for... how exciting!


How beautifully touching. I'm always trying to remind myself to only hold onto items that mean something to me, that I connect with, but it's easier said than done.
Jen, I wish you and your family a smooth transition into this exciting new (enviable) life upon which you are about to embark. I'll miss ya.

karey m.

oh...i must butt in! we move so often. and my life is not about things...but. but.

we brought with us what would make us happy. just three or four things.

when you walk out of your spare new bedroom in the morning, wiping your eyes and trying to remember where you are...what would you like to see on the wall? where would you love to sit? to hold? to wrap around you?

certainly, all the answers would be my girlies and husband. but. but.

i do love my chaise that we all fit on...and the music box from my late sister. and the picture my middle babe drew of her father when she was three...

have gone on too long. go with your heart. and remember...you'll be in italy! my best.

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