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What a fabulous idea - just sent you an email :-)


oh i wish i could take better pictures and participate! =)

elizabeth laufer

Are there any special requirements to participate? Is it only for professional photographers? I love your site and enjoy your enthusiasm for all of the joys of life.

jen altman

the only requirements are a love for photography and a commitment to send your photo out on time!

so please, join us ;)

elizabeth laufer

I received my e-mail with my partner's info but it said "morning ritual" was the theme. This is a typo right? The theme this month is "green" isn't it?

jen altman

hi elizabeth,

as mentioned on the 12 march post - it was indeed a typo!

thanks! jen

elizabeth laufer

Thanks.I'm sorry, I missed the comment on the post! I'll have my photos mailed this week.

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